Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My First Public Speech

A green version of <a href=
Image via Wikipedia
I gave my first public speech. It was on a Sunday 11th of July 2010. 9:00 am at Jamiyah Singapore. Its not exactly my first presentation, though its my first public presentation.

I stood in front of 200 people. I think about 70% are ladies. I'm some sort of an opening act before the main speaker comes. 

Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of it. In the excitement, I forgot to give the camera to my colleague. I think they video recorded it, hopefully I'll be able to get the clip.

My topic was about estate distribution for Muslims in Singapore. The slides are in slideshare. Its in Malay.
The gist of the message is that everybody needs a will. The challenge with Muslims are that they are mostly not sophisticated enough on wealth management. The common refrain is that wealth distribution is already taken care by God.

Islam is a fair religion. Its a way of life. It even put in the distribution of your wealth after you have died provided you have not make a will.

A Muslim that dies intestate, his wealth distribution will be according to Faraid laws. Unless  she have a will.

It is that simple. 

And yet we have some Muslims that believe there is no need for a will. 

There are so many cases that Muslims have been treated unfairly by Muslims because the deceased did not write a will.

A widow is forced to sell her house; the adopted child gets kicked out; the uncles that did not discharge their responsibilities; the father who gets a share even though he abandon his family years ago and so much more.

All because that individual Muslim does not want to take charge of his own affairs.

I provide a service. A will writing service for Muslims. Our wills complies with Syariah requirements as well as Singapore Civil Laws requirement.

My mission is to help Muslims distribute their wealth after death and avoid all the pitfalls that can break up the family.

God willing. 

Blog: Journeyman Journeys
FanPage: Facebook Fanpage
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Monday, July 12, 2010


Looking at Posterous again. I've already set up a Wordpress blog: http://journeymanjourneys.com. Also have a blogger account.

And I have the ability of creating 100 domain name from co.cc.

Maybe Posterous would be more of a personal nature. I wonder.

The question is about time. I need to think of strategy. I don't exist only in the cyber world.

I like both platform. Posterous for its simplicity and Wordpress for its power and versatility.

Post to my Facebook Fanpage: I can easily do with both platform. Post to Twitter: Ditto.

Post to other places like: Flickr, Youtube, Scribd. not at the moment. Though I do not like to use Scribd. Always gives me an "Downloads have exceeded....."

Maybe I should get myself a "Smart" phone. Shouldn't a smartphone be paying your bills too? Ironic isn't it? You would expect me to have at least a smartphone.

Then I can just email it here. And Wordpress have the same ability, so does Blogger.
