Sunday, April 18, 2010


So, you signed up for a domain name in You use it for blogger. Instead of using the standard as your blog address, its now And you got it all for free!

That's not the only thing that you can use for domain name. In fact, there is one cool feature that you should really look into. Post by Gazali at Gazali dash Ahmad dot c o dot c c, proclivity for objectivity.
Its called "URL Forwarding". What does it do? It simply forwards your domain name, to another domain name.

Let's say, that you have just signed up for a free service on the web. Usually an account will be created and you are given a website address. The website address are usually designated with your account number or your name, if its not taken up.

You will end up with For example Now, instead of using that, you can redirect it to It looks even better.

Here's how to do it.
First register for If you have done that, log in to you account. Click on [Getting a new Domain name].

Think of a unique domain name. Do take note that some of the domain names are not free, nonetheless, its not that expensive.

Now click [Set-up] and choose [URL Forwarding]

Key in:
[Redirect to (URL): http://] Your free web address. Take note that you can't redirect to a domain name.
[Page Title]: Description of your page or one-line header.
[Frame]: use URL Hiding.
[Description]: Describe what your website is about.
[Keywords]: Keywords of your website. Each word separated by a comma.

Don't click on the [Google apps email setup].

Click on the [Set up] button to complete.

It takes a couple of hours, up to 48 hours before the change can take effect.

And that's it. Instead of, you can use Cool isn't it?

The free service only allows you a maximum of 4 domain name. Do what I did. I donated USD$10 (about SGD$14.27) only, and now I can register up to 100 domain names. After donating, I found that the set up takes almost immediately.

Instead of it can be

I leave it to your imagination. Enjoy.

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