Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Checking autopost on Posterous

Ok. Finally decided that I will use Posterous. It is just simple. I just want to get it started. The tipping point is that it can simultaneously post to my Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Picasa, Scribd and Blogspot.

Blogspot can in fact accept email posting. The downside, it doesn't update the rest of my social networks. Probably it could, maybe even the rest of the social networks. I hate going through various setting, menus, its enough to drive anyone nuts. I probably can do it, it just takes time.

In fact I'm new in this social networking. I decided only to shift into high gear only in January 2010. I did have a Facebook account before, though, I deleted it last year. Only this year I reactivated it and yes I got a personalised address: http://www.facebook.com/gazali.ahmad. Isn't that cool.

Time is the critical factor. One post is all it takes. In fact in from my Gmail account, I can just build up the thread from the previous post.

That's the good thing about web-based browser, you can access it anywhere.

The good point about Blogspot is that it is easy to add in widgets. It can easily be integrated into the blog. Posterous can do that, though you need to know html and css. I'm a little bit lazy in that, I'd just automation.

I always believe that technology should be in the background supporting you and not in front screaming for attention.

The possibilities are endless. For example, on the email, I can create a subject, say for example, Vacation in Maldives (nearly went there but had to cancel due to last minute business concern). Of course when you are on a vacation, you want to enjoy yourself. What you can do is enjoy yourself during the day, take pictures, videos, etc, then before you turn in, email all the photos and whatever with your comments. Posterous will email back stating your email has been posted.

Just email it. Post everywhere? post@posterous.com, Twitter only? twitter@posterous.com, Facebook only? facebook@posterous.com.

The next night before you turn in, just reply back to the same email; the same subject matter will appear. The one thing that usually slows me down is to think of an eye-catching phrase. Though, I do know a lot of people would just simply stop because they can't think of a better subject header.

The topic can be varied, for example about, Family, Relatives, Business, Holiday, I leave it to your imagination. I'll be thinking of a couple of subjects that I will write about. Probably it will set the style.

Right on I'm trying Google Buzz. It is trying to be like facebook in an email style. You can upload pics, videos, etc and write something about it. Then it can be seen by the public or you can choose to share only with a small group of people.

The critical point: You have to have a gmail account. Not everyone has it and not everyone is willing to change. i wouldn't change my Gmail account.

I remember back in 2004, Same situation, I was choosing which email to use. there was Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail and a whole lot of others. I had accounts with all 3 and various other email accounts. I settled for Gmail because it seemed to be very innovative at that time. And true enough it still is. My office email is set to forward email to my gmail account and I reply back in gmail and the person who received it would see the [From] My office email.

I can also reply back using [From] My yahoo email and Hotmail though I think they have shut down inactive emails.

The ads are very unobtrusive, I don't think it appears anywhere in the email. There are no flash ads, which I totally hate, when you log on Gmail. You know, the ones that animates when you go to a website. I'm using Firefox on my old PC and Chrome on my laptop and both I have "Flash Killer". Stops 'em dead everytime.

Ok its Posterous then.

Posted via email from Gazali's Thoughts

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