Saturday, July 31, 2010

Duplicated Post

Looks like, I've got to switch off Blogger email notification. It is duplicating the content.

I post on Autopost, it can republish in Blogger, then Blogger republish back in Posterous.

Any entry that appears as "[Gazali Ahmad] ........" as the title was from Blogger reposting back because of the email notification settings.

I just delete off the email settings.

Videos. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Its just one of those quirks.

EMBED-Slow Motion Destruction - Watch more free videos

This works because I copied the embed codes and paste as HTML. Its not perfect, though it gets the job done.

This is the thing that we have to be careful. If you switched on some services, things can get duplicated. I must admit, that sometimes I get confused too.

When I posted an article in Wordpress, I switched on the Twitter notification. What happens next? I got a double twitter entry.


My post in Wordpress is set to appear in Facebook. Facebook was also set up to tweet any posting from my WordPress Blog. 

So WordPress wll generate a tweet with its corresponding URL shortener and twitter in facebook will also generate another URL shortener.

Duplicated entry. Now, I switched off WordPress Twitter notification and I have a single tweet only.


Post by email in Blogger and Posterous

Looks like Posterous handles post by email better. The video didn't appear in Blogger.

Here's the video:

There was a double entry. Maybe I included and twitter+facebook@posterous in Blogger. Anyway, I have erased the first email notification in Blogger.

My twitter as well as Facebook was updated. In Facebook, Posterous have an app and it appeared immediately.

I think nothing beats Posterous for post by email. One entry by email in Posterous, updates my:
  • Blogger Blog,
  • Twitter,
  • Google Buzz,
  • Flickr (For Photos),
  • Youtube (For videos),
  • FriendFeed,
  • LinkedIn, and,
  • Facebook Fanpage.
Of course I can also include my Wordpress Blog at At the moment, I decided not too. 

Its a real time saver. And I also liked the fact that the views run into hundreds.

Instant gratification. I do not know who sees the post. And as time goes by, the views keep on increasing.

Oh, by the way, can do audio post. I just need to call a US number, key in my code and talk on the phone. Something like leaving a voice mail. All I need to do is pay for the charges to US from Singapore.

I'm using a callback service, so its quite affordable. It cost me only about 7.6 Singapore cents per minute. Its like leaving a voice mail. Would it be useful? I would think so. It just give you another avenue to post.

Maybe you your laptop battery is flat, or you lost it, or there is no internet connection. Or something that happen fast. You can just phone in your post. Isn't that interesting.

So far I don't think it can be done on self-hosted Wordpress yet. though I managed to download the mp3. Its like giving a Podcast.  The file is attached, if you want to listen to it.

Wordpress can also be updated by email, though I've not tried the service yet. Maybe next time.

Isn't technology cool when you know how to make use of it.

So overall, Posterous makes it simple to update all your social networks. Though other blogging platform have its purposes.


Results of email post in Blogger

Yes, it works. The previous post appeared nicely in Blogger, then it was reproduced in Posterous and it didn't autopost back to Blogger. 

It didn't appear immediately on my Facebook. NetworkedBlogs are quite slow in refreshing content. I'm ok with that and by the way its a free service so I'm not complaining. 

So Posterous only advantage is its ability to update across various Social Media. Then again, I could do the same with Blogger as well. 

Now I'm including my twitter and facebook account as well in Blogger.

What should happen?
  1. This post should appear in Posterous and posterous will not post back to Blogger.
  2. A tweet will be tweeted about this post, and,
  3. My Facebook status will be updated. (I think it will be duplicated because if NetworkedBlogs).
Oh, I've included a video too. In Posterous, all I need to do is paste the URL of the video and it will appear nicely. See if it works in Blogger.

Next, I'll post an entry in Posterous.
Main Blog: Journeyman Journeys
FanPage: Gazali Thoughts Facebook Fanpage

Posting by email in Blogger

Internets = Parody motivator.

Image via Wikipedia

This post is to test email post to Blogger.

Posterous is not the only one that can post by email. Now I'm testing it for blogger. I've also set blogger to email to Posterous.

Let's see if this works. The post will appear in Blogger. Then maybe in Posterous. It shouldn't autopost back to Blogger.

Picture is attached to see how it appears in Blogger.
Main Blog: Journeyman Journeys
FanPage: Gazali Thoughts Facebook Fanpage
Zemanta helped me add links & pictures to this email. It can do it for you too.

Guy Walks Across America

Mike walks across America from New York to San Francisco. Here's a Google Map of his journey:

Main Blog: Journeyman Journeys
FanPage: Gazali Thoughts Facebook Fanpage

Friday, July 30, 2010


Here is the leaked Thor movie trailer.

The Flower

The Flower contrasts a utopian society that freely farms and consumes a pleasure giving flower with a society where the same flower is illegal and its consumption is prohibited. The animation is a meditation on the social and economic costs of marijuana prohibition.
Blog: Journeyman Journeys
FanPage: Gazali Thoughts Facebook Fanpage

Email dead?

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook states that email is "probably" going away.

Her rationale goes:

" the world of consumer technology, if you want to know what people like us (presumably old fogies) are going to be doing tomorrow, you (have to) look at what teenagers are doing today." 

What do you think?

Is email dead? Personally, I think email still serves some purpose. And actually its a stretch to assume that since only 
11% of teenagers use email; email is probably going away.

Do you write on your wall on Facebook for private messages to you friends? I know some naively do. Or do you use the Messages function in Facebook?

We have to remember that internet users does not only consists of teenagers, there are other groups of people as well.

And she is the COO of Facebook .

Just a note. This post was written on Gmail and posted to Posterous.
Main Blog: Journeyman Journeys
FanPage: Gazali Thoughts Facebook Fanpage
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Snuff Film

Still think it is about fighting "terrorism". Its just an euphemism for colonialism. 

If you pick up a weapon, and resist the invaders, what are you? A terrorist or freedom fighter?

Main Blog: Journeyman Journeys
FanPage: Gazali Thoughts Facebook Fanpage