Thursday, March 11, 2010

Terrorist, Western Capitalism, Islam: Cui Bono?

I still remembered the 9/11 incident. I was driving back on the CTE and heard it on the radio. Switched on the TV, and incredibly, it showed the twin towers collapsing.

My first thought: Is this a new Hollywood movie? Because a building don't just simply collapse because an airplane crashed into it.

The next morning, its true, the buildings did collapse. What was preposterous, it was caused by airplanes which in turn their fuel burn and caused the steel to melt? Unfathomably, some of my engineers friends believed it. My God, they put their signatures on their work.

I'm not an engineer by training and I do know when things doesn't add up. The next couple of years, it was a taboo subject to even question the "official" cause of the collapse.

Finally 9 years later, more people are asking the right questions.

Just listening to the walkie-talkie, its obvious there was no raging inferno. Unlike in February 12, 2005 a fire broke out and turn into a raging inferno at Windsor Tower, Spain. The building didn't collapse.

Massive Scientific Fraud

Imagine that some of the so-called hijackers are still alive.

How many more will have to die because of a lie? Let us all pray, that the evil men who did it, be brought to justice.

Photo Credits:
1st Photo "The Bush-Obama Morp" from
2nd Photo "Peace" by Cayusa under a Creative Commons License.

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